Saturday, March 10, 2012

I got battlefield 3 Limited Edition for Xbox and I need help with my online code?

Not to long ago i got battlefield 3 Limited Edition for Xbox on ebay, and my online pass is not working. The seller said he has played it once and that the game was brand spanking new. Is there anyway that EA can get me a new limited edition online pass code?I got battlefield 3 Limited Edition for Xbox and I need help with my online code?
You will have to purchase a new pass code from EA.I believe they are only $10,but I could be wrong.I got battlefield 3 Limited Edition for Xbox and I need help with my online code?
@Cubejam#2 Wow! i didnt know that the whole code thing was stop people from buying used games! So you cant get BF3 used without buying a new code?

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I got battlefield 3 Limited Edition for Xbox and I need help with my online code?
If the code doesn't work, it means the seller has already redeemed the code %26amp; is only valid on his account. You need to buy a new one from the xbox marketplace. Just search for BF3 in the marketplace and purchase the new code.

The whole idea of having these online pass codes is to stop people from buying used games.

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